Scones with Inca Berries

Scones with Inca Berries

    Jump to Recipe   Should I make a cake, or maybe I’d rather make cookies? If you ever have a moment when you can’t decide, scones are the right answer! These scones with Inca berries are a cake and a cookie AND a sandwich all at once!...
Vegan Twix with Date Caramel

Vegan Twix with Date Caramel

Jump to Recipe I can’t explain my adoration for this incredible vegan twix with date caramel. Apart from the fact that it’s pretty healthy compared to the classic one, it’s also super tasty. In high school there was a certain period of time when I...
Easy Vegan Banana Granola

Easy Vegan Banana Granola

Jump to Recipe   I’ve always loved granola. But I have always hated the fact that it’s quite expensive and full of sugar. Homemade easy vegan banana granola solved my problem.   The one store-bought granola I trust   One thing I still cannot...